Chasing Tiny Monsters
Although you may not know it, laboratories often fail to detect pathogens. Machines will scan your blood for antibodies, but no one actually looks at your blood in person. Microbeon comes to the rescue with an old and almost forgotten technology that was already used over 250 years ago: Dark-field microscopy enables us to detect abnormalities in the blood that are not found in a regular laboratory test. The results can help your doctor choose the right therapy for your condition.
Microbeon offers microscopic images and videos of your living blood. Unlike bright-field microscopy, where samples are usually stained, which causes the bacteria to die, this is not necessary for examination with a dark-field microscope. In this way, we can experience how living organisms behave in the blood and carry out experiments such as host simulations.
Did You Bring Home a Souvenir?
Especially when travelling or spending a lot of time outdoors you can get infected with parasites. But not only travellers to exotic countries run the risk of infecting themselves with parasites. In western countries, you can also get infected with parasites through food, pets or insect bites.

Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito, flea or other insects?
Do you have pets?
Has your skin ever touched tropical soil?
Do you have digestive problems?
Do you suffer from repeated or chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, etc.)?
Do you have any allergies?
Do you have a low level of vitamin B6, B12, iron and folic acid?
Do you have a low immune system? Are you sick often?
Are your tonsils swollen?
Do you have dark circles, tear sacs or other skin problems (acne, rashes, bumps, itching)?
Do you suffer from chronic fatigue?
Do you often have a headache?
Do your joints and muscles hurt?
Do you feel nervous?
Do you have problems sleeping at night?
Do you lack appetite or are you hungry for sweet and fat dishes?
Do your symptoms worsen in the evening?
Do you eat sushi or raw meat?